Home Assistant

Notify added Home assistant integration between your smartwatch and your smart home.

To enable the Home Assistant integration, open the Home Assistant settings on Notify app and enable it.
You will have to enter your Home Assistant address, and a valid Token (see the instructions on the app)

Once enabled, Notify app automatically syncs your smartwatch info. The following states will be updated automatically:

For Amazfit devices the default name is amazfit instead of miband

You can customize the name on the app to use multiple smartwatch on your Home Assistant

The triggers values contains the timestamp of the last event. For example, miband.trigger_6 = 1662013800 means the last band connected event occured at 2022-09-01 06:30:00 (GMT)

If you enabled automatic ip ban functionality on your Home Assistant, Notify app requests may get rejected by your system (especially if you tried an incorrect token the first time).
To fix it, please remove the IP ban entry from ip_bans.yaml https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/http/

Notify 13.2.6 we changed the states names to support icons and device class. Old documentation